Same-Day Chiller Hire a Big Part of Our Business

Chiller hire from Icecool

Same-day chiller hire is one of the many services we offer here at Icecool Trailers. Believe it or not, we get many questions about whether or not same-day hire is a legitimate need in the UK. It actually is. Not everyone who calls us for service is scheduling equipment rental weeks or months in advance. We get plenty of calls from customers who need help right away.

We have put together a list of three scenarios that involve same-day chiller hire. If you own a business engaged in the food service, technology, or healthcare sectors, you might find one of these scenarios familiar. Just remember to contact us should you find yourself in need of emergency refrigeration. We will get you hooked up quickly and affordably.

The Overnight Fire

A restaurant owner gets a call in the middle of the night letting him know his establishment is on fire. He races to the scene where he encounters a brave army of firefighters trying to put out the blaze. The good news is that the fire is limited to the restaurant's main walk-in cooler and freezer units; the bad news is that he will not be able to get either unit repaired or replaced in time for business the next day. The solution is to call Icecool Trailers.

We are able to respond by delivering refrigerator and freezer trailers to the restaurant's London location within hours. No sooner do we arrive then the food deliveries follow behind this. Our client is ready to open for business later that day with no further disruption.


Equipment Failure

A technology company in Oxfordshire is maintaining a small inventory of sensitive instruments in a walk-in chiller on their premises. Unfortunately, the refrigeration unit suddenly fails without warning. They cannot afford to be without refrigeration unless they are willing to lose a tremendous amount of money by not being able to keep their sensitive instruments temperature-controlled. What do they do? They call us. We respond right away with a walk-in cold room that can be placed right next to their existing unit. That makes the transfer from their unit to ours quick and easy. Work continues with no danger of instrument loss.

Emergency Overhead

Imagine a medical facility that agrees to accept an emergency supply of blood and medicines in anticipation of inclement weather. Those supplies need to be kept cold in order to preserve their integrity. One call to Icecool Trailers provides all of the temporary refrigeration the medical facility needs until the weather threat has passed. We can provide temporary refrigeration by way of trailers or walk-in cold rooms.

Above are just a few reasons our clients might call to request same-day chiller hire. There are so many additional scenarios it would be impossible to list them all here. What we want you to know is that Icecool Trailers provide same-day service whenever humanly possible. When we cannot provide same-day service, next-day service is virtually guaranteed.

Customers within the Greater London area have access to two-hour service as well. We view your emergency as our emergency, springing into action as soon as we get your call. If you need same-day chiller hire for any emergency needs, please do not hesitate to contact Icecool Trailers. We have been providing reliable service for more than 20 years.

Got questions? Call 01635 250 950 or send us a message