Mobile refrigeration hire blog

Trailer hire from Icecool
Magnetic Refrigeration Expected to Grow

​As the world aggressively investigates new refrigerants to replace environmentally dangerous HCFCs, an entirely different segment of the industry is pursuing magnetic refrigeration. Now, a brand-new research report from MarketsandMarkets (M&M) suggests there may be a very good future for this new method of refrigeration; perhaps it will eventually make its way to our refrigerated trailers and walk-in cold rooms.

Icecool Trailers
Food Poisoning More Likely at Home than at a Restaurant

Among the many industries we serve at Icecool Trailers is the restaurant industry. We provide restaurants with portable freezers and refrigerators for catered events, outdoor festivals, and the like. We also provide emergency refrigeration for the restaurant that suffers a mechanical breakdown of owned equipment. Therefore, we know that most restaurants take great care to ensure that both refrigeration and food storage practices are safe and in compliance with regulations. Consumers are more likely to get food poisoning at home than at a restaurant as a result of refrigeration issues.2

icecool trailers
Fridge Trailer Hire: All Customers Deserve the Best

Marketing Magazine recently ran a fascinating piece discussing the fact that today's social media savvy consumers know what they want and will not settle for complacency. If they spot anything they deem a symptom of complacency, they take to their social media channels to let it be known. The magazine cited last year's dustup with Tesco as just one example. What they discussed is something we have known for a long time: our customers deserve the very best when it comes to freezer and fridge trailer hire.

Icecool Trailers
Recent Agreements to Shape the Future of Refrigeration

​Two recent agreements reached among refrigeration industry stakeholders promise to shape the way commercial refrigeration is designed and utilised in future. The first agreement, between Eurovent and eurammon, is designed to push for faster and wider adoption of natural refrigerants. The second agreement deals with the safe handling of refrigerants, both now and in the future; it was reached between the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). We expect the results of both agreements to eventually affect what we do at Icecool Trailers in a very positive way.