Mobile refrigeration hire blog

Same day chiller hire
Same-Day Chiller Hire: Don't Take It for Granted

The new refrigeration editor at ACHR News recently wrote a piece introducing himself to his readers and declaring that the refrigeration industry is anything but boring. In his article, editor Ron Rajecki also made the point that we tend to take refrigeration for granted in the modern era. He was speaking primarily of refrigeration at the consumer level, but the truth certainly applies to same-day chiller hire at the commercial and industrial levels. Businesses take refrigeration for granted just as individual consumers do.

walk-in freezers and cold storage
Could a Walk-in Freezer Double As a Space Heater?

The UK government is currently looking at a cutting-edge space heating principle that would extract heat from the cold waters of rivers and canals to provide space heat in local areas during the winter months. Although the idea does not directly relate to what we do at Icecool Trailers, it is intriguing enough to make us wonder whether a walk-in freezer could double as a space heater for some applications. Allow us to explain.

refrigerated trailer hire, icecool trailers
The Future of Refrigerated Trailer Rental

RAC Magazine editor Andrew Gaved is among the industry professionals thrilled to announce that the government has accepted the industry's framework for apprenticeship training. That framework, long in the making, will have a very definite impact on the entire refrigeration industry. It will even affect the future of refrigerated trailer rental. It is all about training the next generation of workers who will be designing, building, and servicing the equipment of tomorrow.

New Commission for Future of Cold Chain

Regular readers of our blog are familiar with the concept of the cold chain. It is something that we take for granted in the West, yet something that is desperately needed in developing countries. As such, a brand-new commission has been formed to look at the future of the cold chain and how it can be utilised to end food waste and worldwide hunger. Its scope will go well beyond things such as retail refrigeration and refrigerated trailer rental.