Mobile refrigeration hire blog

Picture of Fridge Trailer Rental
Fridge Trailer Rental: Things to Think About

For almost any catered event, a rented fridge trailer can be worked successfully into an operation plan. Available from Icecool Trailers in a number of sizes, a fridge trailer rental service prioritises adaptability and readiness, suiting it to both prepared catering plans as well as quick response to catering emergencies. Before renting a fridge trailer however, there are a number of things to consider.

Picture of World Refrigeration Day
Remembering the Cold Room on World Refrigeration Day

Imagine your life without refrigerators, without air conditioning. Refrigeration has changed how we live our lives and the 26th of June (2019) marked the very first World Refrigeration Day. We just want to share our appreciation of such a day.

Picture of Freezer Trailers
Is Buying a Used Freezer Trailer Better than Renting?

We can't give you a definitive answer to such an important question but we can discuss some of the benefits that both options will offer you. Read on to find out more...

Picture of a Freezer Trailer outside a building
Fridge and Freezer Trailer Rental During Remodelling

Many Icecool Trailers customers know us for the emergency service we provide. Other clients have come to rely on us for seasonal rentals. Yet another portion of our business that we do not talk about as much involves providing fridge and freezer trailer rental during remodelling projects. Some of the clients we have served in this respect would not have been able to remain in operation any other way.