We serviced a client a few years back who found himself in real trouble. He was a London pub owner who arrived for work one day and discovered that his walk-in chiller had decided to take the day off. Things got worse when he contacted a repair company to come out and take a look.
Florists love our refrigerated trailers and walk-in cold rooms because they offer temporary refrigeration at a reasonable price. We do not expect clients to commit to a long-term rental agreement, and they don't have to put money into permanent refrigeration offering capacity they do not need in the off-season.
Wedding season is nearly upon us. When it finally arrives, Icecool Trailers will be fully engaged in providing freezer and fridge trailer hire to the many families planning weddings this summer. We invite you to consider one of our trailer units for your wedding event.
Any business that deals in food products has to be especially sensitive to the many challenges that come with expansion. In the area of organic food and drink, expansion inevitably means increasing inventories enough to meet existing demand and then some on top of that. Without proper planning, this could lead to higher than expected cold storage costs.