Mobile refrigeration hire blog

fridge hire and freezer hire
Running Cost of a Temporary Fridge or Trailer?

Freezer hire and fridge hire from Icecool Trailers. Our temporary refrigeration solutions are second to none and are used widely in the catering, construction and medical worlds. In this article we look at running costs of hired fridges and freezers.

Christmas season for catering businesses
Cold room hire for extra Christmas stock

Tis’ the season to be jolly, or as many people like to say, get trolleyed. Whichever side you are on, one thing’s for sure – catering businesses, cafes, restaurants and takeaways can expect a significant boost in retail over the next month or so, which is fantastic news. It’s important for everyone not to underestimate this explosion though, and to be ready for it.

cooler trailers for catering business
Fridge trailers are perfect for moving your business

It’s the dawn of a new era for your business – you’re moving shop, and you now have the opportunity to build something bigger, better and leaner. But let’s be honest – the process of moving is hardly fun. It’s actually incredibly stressful, and catering businesses in particular have a tough job because of their high value food stock that needs to be transported from place to place securely, and in a way that keeps it fresh.

temporary refrigeration for catering
Using Temporary Refrigeration in a Seasonal Business

Traditional businesses aren’t for everyone, and just because you can’t sell your products throughout the year, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a viable business.