The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has issued a new consultation regarding leak-checking standards for refrigeration systems in light of stiffer F-Gas regulations for 2015. The consultation suggests that as many as 425,000 new refrigeration systems will have to undergo changes in their leak checking regimes. Furthermore, equipment owners will be required to set up a system for monitoring potential leaks in the future.
We often talk about emergency fridge rental for customers who find themselves in unexpected situations. And it's not without reason. One never knows when an emergency will shut down a refrigerator or freezer unit just when you need it most. A recent fire at a Somerset factory provides a good illustration.
We have seen walk-in freezer units put to use in very creative ways. Most of our clients use them to freeze food, although we have also seen them used for frozen storage of medical supplies, temperature sensitive chemicals, and even highly sensitive industrial components. What we have never seen is a walk-in freezer used as a training device for an athlete.
Have you seen the viral video depicting the family dog raiding the fridge while its owner is away? The video shows just how creative animals can be when they know there is food to be found. In this case, the yellow Labrador named Allie started her adventure with the rubbish bin, and then moved on to the stainless steel freezer/refrigerator unit. She managed to get both doors and the freezer drawer open with what appeared to be very little effort. As adorable as this video might be, trouble with animals is the last thing you need when dealing with portable refrigeration.